This is the story of a Quebec city girl doing a 13 months term on an International MC...


A family of 60 000 young people in 110 countries

Translated version of a blog post from Marta Orias Hidalgo from Costa Rica

Those who know me have heard me talk about AIESEC a lot but I still think that many don't understand even half the things I say or why I do what I do.

It is always difficult to explain to those interested or those just entering AIESEC why am involved. 
It is difficult to explain why I decide to spend my evenings, mornings, nights, days, months and even years in an organization that does not pay me or give me something tangible to show as a result of my work.

It is even more difficult to explain what makes the simple fact that a young man who lives hundreds of miles from where I am and die thousands of miles away from where I am affect me that much. And not just me ... thousands of young people around the globe are mourning this fact.

I come not to speak of the accident, I am speaking of that passion that makes thousands of young people move around the world under one purpose. This passion makes me mourn a young man who sought the same purpose as mine and was only 22 years but wanted to change the world. It is this passion that makes it not matter if we know him or not. We treat them like family and our doors are always open for all those 60 000 young people no matter where they come from. No matter where I go I know I have a home somewhere in the world. When something happens in one country, the network gets activated and we all care about this country as if we had family there. In fact, we do. This is really just global awareness.

Ladies and Gentlemen this is what makes me get up every morning and not wanting to give up even though everything seems impossible. This is what makes me want to continue working so that our network grows, so more have the chance to develop. It is this inexplicable passion that unites us that makes me proud to say "I am an AIESECer." This is something you can't buy and that they will never teach in a classroom.

R.I.P Elmer Perez Requiz, President of AIESEC in Bolivia 2011-2012


Why living in Puerto Rico is a unique experience

--> Riding a scooter across Condado at night and smiling like a dog sticking his head out of the car. Yes Mom, riding a scooter. Yes, with a helmet.

--> Boiling your last pack of pasta and simultaneously starving only to find out there are over 40 insects boiling in/with them because they were living in the bag (sealed bag). These suck. They're called something i can't remember so i just call them "borbonjas"...

--> Hearing crazy stuff come out of Emanuel's mouth during team skype meetings. Something about boobjobs.

--> Re-organizing the cabinets taking into consideration our future roomate is like 4 feet tall.

--> Arriving the monday morning at the office and finding 3 +size cochroaches on the floor ready for me to commit a murder...Always carry flipflops

--> Finding BAGELS in Puerto Rico. This made me the happiest girl on Earth. What else are you gonna eat your philadelphia cheese with?

--> Learning that beans take like forever to cook from scratch.
1. Let them soak for 8 hours. They get fat.
2. Put them to boil for an hour AT LEAST.
3. Find the right temperature of burner so you don't have to stare at the pot while they cook.
4. Eat the beans that cost you more energy than what they will bring you. (like celery)

--> Going to the grocery store with my new roomate and colleague Karla. After 1h20, seeing she has done only one aisle. At least she knows all the types of ketchup (pronounce cat soup if you are her), spices, canned tomatoes, etc..

--> Finding out we actually DO own some placemats in the MC flat (thank god we won't be washing that table like crazy after every meal anymore or lletting it get dirty as shit).

--> After just less than 3 months of living here, being the one people ask directions to in the street (and succeeding in providing them some).

--> Telling your puertorican colleague (Huberto) directions in his own city

--> Thinking of Suzanne every time we hear our MC song on the radio (happens a lot). Plus, finding out she recorded herself doing a video tutorial hahahah. Nice.

--> Teaching Karla (mexican roomate) that going to grocery REQUIRES a sports bag to carry the groceries back in the bus. Like her you will think it's crazy and like her you will find out monday that i am right.

--> Getting marriage/Dating/Sexing offers whenever you wait / cross at an intersection.

--> Getting a side-job as a shot girl for Fat Tuesday the upcoming thursday and friday for the San Juan Outdoor Festival. / Dreaming of it at night.

--> Playing tourist at The Morro Fortress with some friends on the hottest day ever.

--> Having a roomate (Oriana) that understands the difference between a cocoqui guy and a coquiqui guy :)

--> Finding Oreo with her head in the freezer because us NORTH americans can not wear long clothes when it's over 30 degrees C / 86 degrees F. EVER.


 The disgusting insects...
 Some members that I am currently coaching from AIESEC OE Ponce
Mango: 89 cents, Huge avocado: 1.99$